We have a lot of questions about the freeness of speech. Help us answer them?
AHOP is developing a New show investigating the “freeness” of speech in this digital and politically divided age and we need some help. We would like to gather as many perspectives as possible. here are some ways you can contribute
First read the LONG list of questions we have below and see what compels a response from you and then choose one of the following self-directed ways to share your thoughts with us. Then…
1) Use this survey form to write your response to any question(s) or any written response you may have.
2) Call this number XXX-XXX-XXXX and leave us a 3-minute voicemail response or story!
3) Email us if you are interested in a one-on-one virtual conversation or to potentially join a group conversation either virtually outside during the warmer months.
4) Or email us if you’d like to engage in a longer pen pal conversation via email or snail mail!
Please note that we will be using these contributions as research to inform the content of the piece. No direct quotes or other specific content will be used without your permission. All participants, if they choose, will be acknowledged in the program for contributing to the work, and if in the Detroit area will be offered a free ticket to the show, and if not local will be sent a link to a video or virtual viewing.
Hello, World!
So. many. questions…
What does the First Amendment say/how does it go?
What does “free speech” mean to you?
In one sentence, how do you define free speech?
When does “free speech” go too far? What seems like a fair way to regulate that?
Is “free speech” absolutely necessary in a democracy? Is it intrinsic to a democracy?
Who most benefits in our society from the doctrine of free speech?
What is the relationship between free speech and democracy? What is democracy? What is free speech?
What kinds of speech do you think should be protected as free speech?
Does the right to free speech include the right to not speak? To not proclaim or explain yourself? To privacy? To be anonymous?
Who does and does not have the right to free speech?
How does art or non-verbal expression fit into free speech?
Does one person or group’s right to free speech trump (sic) another’s?
[Provide 1st Bill of Rights Amendment.] What do you make of this conceptualization of free speech? How does it match up or not with what you view as free speech?
Is there a difference between verbal and written free speech, how/why/should there be?
Has there ever been a time when you have felt unsafe in an online space because of the speech that was used? Can you tell us about it?
Have you ever found community in an online space or made a deep connection with someone you wouldn’t have in IRL?
How do you feel about anonymity in online spaces?
What’s your favorite place on the internet?
Where is your safest place on the internet?
What is the kindest place on the internet?
Tell me about your most memorable social media interaction
Has something you’ve posted on social media ever been flagged/taken down/banned. Feelings about it?
Do you self-censor on social media, what and why?
Do you feel the internet is a safe space for you?
How would you describe your Facebook wall? (Open forum, curated salon, etc)
What does bystander intervention online look like to you? How do you intervene?
What do you share on social media? Why?
Are you the same person off social media as on?
Do you think differently about how you speak on social media than you do in day-to-day life?
Is there any type of speech/or words you can identify that makes you feel unsafe that are commonly used?
Have you used speech to hurt someone publically? How do you feel about that?
Tell us a story!
Can you think of a time where you felt like your freedom of speech was restrained?
Can you tell me about a time your free speech was limited?
Can you think of a time you wanted to restrain someone elses free speech?
When have you felt your right to free speech expressly taken away?
Can you give me an example of a time when you felt that your right to free speech was infringed upon?
Can you tell me about a time when someone else exercising their right to free speech made you feel unsafe or uncomfortable and why?
Do you think the US education system has prepared its citizenry enough for the unbridled information that is now on the internet?
How do you determine what is a fact?
Were you educated about your constitutional rights? If so by who?
Do you know about free speech rights outside of the U.S.? Or have any experience of it.
How is free speech in the US different from elsewhere in the world?
We’re talking a lot about free speech, but what about LISTENING?? How do we listen? How are we taught to receive?
How do or did you learn empathy?
Do you feel you understand what your rights to free speech are? Can you explain them to me?
Are there nonverbal acts/expressions/etc. that you consider as being protected by ‘freedom of speech’?
What do you think it means to have freedom of expression?
What is your understanding of what encompasses free speech and where did you learn it? Has it evolved over time?
About or for Youth or students
When does the concept of “free speech” come into focus, or come into the classroom.
Should children or minors have the same free speech rights as adults?
Should kids be forced to pledge allegiance to the flag?
If you were talking to a kindergartener about free speech - how would you describe it?
Personal Questions
Has there been a time when you have been actively or passively responsible for taking away the right of free speech of someone else?
Are there ways in which you have personally clearly benefited from freedom of speech?? Where it clearly harmed you?
Is it important to you? Why or why not?
Can you give me an example of someone you admire using their free speech to make a positive change in the world? In your family? In your life?
What are some words or phrases or kinds of speech that make you feel safe?
What are some words or phrases or kinds of speech that make you feel unsafe?
When have you experienced tensions with exercising free speech? When have you experienced ease with exercising free speech?
Do you feel comfortable saying exactly how you feel? When? When not?
In what ways do you think your expression affects your community? The world?
How has your speech been policed?
Has your use of free speech ever been checked? By whom?
Are there ways in which your right to free speech is limited but not removed?
Has your right to free speech been threatened or taken from you ever?
Can you think of an example when you felt your rights to free speech were hindered?
Is there a belief you hold that you feel you don’t have the freedom to express? Yes or No or Explain?
Have you ever been called a snowflake, social justice warrior, or something similar? Why do you think that happened?
Do you think you have the power to express freely what you think/feel/believe?
Do you feel like you can always express yourself fully with the language you speak?
What does “free” mean to you?
How do you typically respond to someone or some idea you strongly don’t agree with but it is the boundaries of them exercising their free speech? Why do you think you respond this way?
Personal experience
When did you first start thinking about free speech?
How was free speech a part of your childhood?
How does free speech impact your life on a daily basis?
Is your style a part of your free speech? What other aspects of your existence are part of free speech?
Do you often edit yourself? Do you do this before you speak or after you have already spoken? Why?
Have you ever felt as if you couldn’t freely speak about something or to someone in particular? If yes, what made you feel that way, and if no, why do you think you have never felt that way?
Do you feel as though you have a specific relationship to/with free speech?
Do you feel your personal abilities are at all limiting to your freedom of expression/speech? If so, how? What could make this easier/more comfortable for you?
Opinion/Personal belief
What does free speech mean to you?
What kinds of speech do you think should be limited? Why?
Who has the right to police?
How do you think the world would be different if we were to lose our right to free speech?
Are there societal norms that, for you, govern free speech, outside of government/legality?
Do you think that safety and freedom are at odds with one another? Can you have both at the same time? Is moving toward freedom moving away from safety or vice versa?
Do you believe that words, or speech, can cause real harm?
Do you believe that there should be any limits on free speech? Why or why not? What should the limits be?
Do you think that the right to free speech does/should mean the right to criticize the government? To argue or question or try to explain yourself to the police?
Is there/should there be an age limit on free speech protections?
Do you feel you have free speech?
How important is free speech to you?
Do you think we need to change the rules around free speech, either to protect or to regulate it?
Do you believe that words can be harmful? What is detrimental speech?
Does “free speech” have repercussions?
Do you feel that everyone has the right to “free speech? Why or why not?
Is “free speech” a white supremacist ideation to you?
do you think everyone (like EVERYONE) has or should have free speech?
What should we do about this ‘free speech’ debate/dialogue/discussion?
Where do you draw the line with free expression?
What speech do you think should be limited? Why?
What power does speech really hold?
Can the words of a leader move a nation towards violence?
Do you treasure your right to free speech?
In what contexts do you feel safe speaking freely? Are there spaces or contexts where you don’t edit yourself?
When do you feel safe expressing yourself fully? When don’t you? How does it make you feel?
If you saw a person marching with a sign that said “I will not give up my freedoms for your safety” What would that mean to you?
Are there freedoms you could imagine or restrictions you would welcome for you or others to potentially feel and be safer?
How do you think the world would be different if those who did not have the right to free speech were to gain it?
What does equity in terms of freedom of speech look like?
Wild cards
Do you know what virtue signaling is? Do you agree with the terminology and definition?
How do you think your ancestors interpreted free speech?
Do you believe that everybody abides by the same rules?
In what ways do we speak without speaking?
What expression makes you happy?
Are you aware of the way our lives are steeped in white supremacy and colonialism?
Do you consider yourself a conspiracy theorist? Why?
Do you code switch? How coded is your switch (ie dialect, lesser known language)
Is speech real? Does it have actions, consequences, feelings? How do you know?
What does safety feel/look/sound/taste like?
What was your worst fight with someone close to you? (follow up: did it feel ‘free’)
What “rules” about your own speech do you have? Or “boundaries” for example: I don’t swear in front of my parents or any of my friends' parents.
If you found an island, and planned to live on it alone, do you think you have the right to name it?
Abortion/Reproductive Justice/Access
Gender/Queerness/Bodily Autonomy
Makes my mind go to binaries. I think that a common theme in all of our conversations is “good v. Evil/bad”. Curious to know your thoughts on if you subscribe to that binary
debate vs. free speech